Information for Parents
The Center seeks to help parents of gifted and talented students by providing resources, programming, and advocacy information. The Center held its inaugural Parent Conference in February 2020. Speakers presented on a variety of topics, including twice-exceptional students, social and emotional needs of gifted students, legislative and advocacy information, and improving your district's gifted program. The Parent Conference is now an annual event, and we look forward to expanding our services for parents.
Baylor TIP’s mission is to identify exceptional talent in STEM and the humanities and provide world-class learning opportunities commensurate with students’ exceptional potential. Baylor TIP focuses on both the identification of talent through our assessments and the opportunity to develop talents and interests through customized educational recommendations and out-of-school programs.
Special Free Parent Seminars with Super Saturday Enrollment
This fall, when you enroll your student in a Super Saturday series, you will have exclusive access to two free parent education seminars. While your students are taking their classes, you will have access to Baylor TIP experts (and parents) to learn more about talent development and to ask your questions about your own children. See below for dates and detailed descriptions.
September 7th Gifted 101 Parent Seminar
Whether your gifted child has just been identified or you have known for some time, you probably still have questions. Join the experts at Baylor TIP for an introduction to the terminology and latest research about talent development for high-potential children. After a brief presentation, you will have the opportunity to ask questions and discuss your concerns with experienced practitioners and researchers. There is no cost to this seminar, and it is available to all family members of children enrolled in Super Saturday programs.
October 5th Guiding Social and Emotional Development Parent Seminar
Adolescence is a struggle for all children, but being a high-ability learner adds some additional dimensions that aren’t always intuitive to parent. In this free parent seminar, we will tackle some of the biggest challenges for gifted adolescents and how parents can prepare to meet those challenges without fear. Baylor TIP experts (and fellow parents of gifted and twice-exceptional children) will present and be available to discuss current concerns. This seminar is available to all family members of children enrolled in Super Saturday programs.
Find out more about Super Saturdays here!
Qualifications Needed to Take the Baylor TIP Assessments
Students qualify to take our above-level assessments through any one of three avenues:
- score in the top 25% on one or more subtests of a state or national standardized exam (local norms are recommended but not required),
- be formally identified as gifted or talented by a district, or
- be recommended by a teacher, administrator, and/or parent.