Understanding Scholar Levels
Scholar levels do not begin until students enter the 8-12th grade TIP courses following their 7th grade talent search results. The test report returned to families after students take their Baylor TIP test will explain which scholar level your student has achieved. This helps you and your student select courses that are at the appropriate level of rigor to be challenging and interesting. There are three levels: TIP, TIP Green Scholar, and TIP Gold Scholar. These scholar levels will unlock course access to some of our more rigorous course options as students grow in the program.
Currently, we are offering two levels of academic courses: Baylor TIP Academy courses and Baylor TIP Lyceum courses. Designed specifically for Baylor TIP Green Scholars and Baylor TIP Gold Scholars, Lyceum courses will focus on more advanced material and will move at a faster pace than the Baylor TIP Academy courses. Baylor TIP Scholars who begin with an Academy course and do well in it may take a Lyceum level course the following year. We are also planning a third level of courses, Baylor TIP Paideia, that students may take after demonstrating success in a Lyceum class.
To illustrate, if a student were to join us at grade 1 and continue through the programs, they would pursue a course similar to this:
In grades 1-3 our student would participate in the enrichment courses available through UYP in the summers.
In grades 4-6, our student would gain entry to TIP through testing (or one of our alternative pathways), and participate in TIP Intermediate options available in the summer, online, or in our Super Saturday series.
In grade 7, our student would participate in the 7th grade talent search. If our student achieves green or gold TIP rank, they may choose from any of the courses. Let's imagine our TIPster did not achieve green or gold - they may still select from any of the Academy-level courses in their first summer, and then after performing well, they may choose from the Lyceum level courses.